Yoga Classes and Fees


Kids Yoga Ages 7-11 Beginner Level: Moderate
Fun and Interactive class for boys and girls to improve coordination, concentration, athletic performance & self esteem. Workshops and private group classes available at normal class rates. Inquire about Family Yoga classes.

Vinyasa (Flow) Mixed Level: Moderate to Intense
Continuous movement and breath through a consistent asana sequence to build core strength, stamina and flexibility. Vigorous class with challenging postures.

Hatha Mixed Level: Gentle Practice
Even paced class designed for opening the body and quieting the mind. Gentle to moderate intensity with emphasis on releasing tension.

Yoga Fusion Vinyasa–Pilates Mixed Level: Moderate to Intense
A quick-paced, jump start class to build core strength through mat Pilates exercises fused with heat-building sun salutations, forward and back bending sequence, detoxifying twists and energizing inversions.

Restorative Mixed Level: Gentle Practice
Slow paced class designed for relieving tension, pain, fatigue and anxiety. Participants rely entirely on props to support each pose, allowing the body to relax deeply. Small class sizes only, must book in advance—regular class rate. Sunday evenings only.

YOGA Tuition Schedule & Class Fees

Beginning January 1st, 2011, all scheduled adult yoga classes are now donation-based. An anonymous payment box is located in the lobby where students can leave payment for classes.

Drop in students should call ahead to confirm class times.

Workshop Series …Varies by Workshop

Single Class Suggested Donation …$15

Kids Yoga …$11/session, pre-paid only

Visit for current schedule or obtain a copy at the front desk. If you do not see your class listed on our current schedule, please call to inquire.

Workshop Series

Beginner Workshop Five Week—2 Sessions per Week
Introduction to Vinyasa Flow (10 class package pricing)

Zumba Workshop Mixed Level: Moderate to Intense
($35 for Three Weeks or $13 per session, pre-paid only)

Bellydance Workshop 1 Mixed Level: Easy to Moderate
($35 for Three Weeks or $13 per session, pre-paid only)

Bellydance Workshop 2 Int/Adv Level: Intense
($35 for Three Weeks or $13 per session, pre-paid only)

Visit for current workshop dates and listings, or call to book. If you do not see your workshop on our current schedule, please call to inquire.

Private Instruction

Integral offers affordable one-on-one instruction for clients of any age and level. All instructors referred for private sessions are RYT certified.

Private sessions enable instructors to address specific needs of each client such as chronic pain, fatigue, health management, fitness, weight loss, depression & anxiety, stress management., pre and post natal & general practice. Private sessions at the studio are standard rate up 2 students, $10+ for each additional participant.

YOGA Private Session Fees

At the Studio:
1 Session per Week …$60/session
2 Sessions per Week …$45/session

At your Home:
1 Session per Week …$80/session
2 Sessions per Week ….$65/session

See updated class schedule on our website or obtain a schedule from the front desk.

At Integral Movement Arts Center we offer a variety of classes suited to all levels, in order to bring the arts and movement to anyone that is interested in participating. We provide dance and movement education, offering opportunities to learn, choreograph, perform and appreciate the movement arts, while instilling principles of well-being and self-expression.